Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care; taxes and burden

Has anyone else been watching the Dems and Reps say their bit over the Health Care Bill today and this evening, I have. Thanks, C-SPAN. In different words both sides have been saying the same Dem or Rep line; health care for those who can't have or afford it right now VS. it'll cost taxpayers a lot of money over time.... You can guess which side says what.
I have voted Republican in every presidential election since 1988 until this last one but no, I did not vote for Obama either; thank you 3rd party. I have not read or even tried to read the entire Health Care Bill to know exactly what is there but the thing that irritates me most comes from the Republicans, "it'll cost the taxpayers money" and "bring the debt up even more". My response, "didn't you, Republicans, under Bush, who I voted for twice, have 8 years to work on health care and do absolutely nothing about it? Did you not vote for 2 wars, which has placed a huge financial burden on my son who is only 2 years old because he will be the one trying to figure out how to pay for it?" How can the Republicans use the excuse of "too much money" and "tax payer burden" when that's all they did with 2 wars during their 8 year tenure? I believe one war may be argued justifiable while the other I would not. This Health Care Bill may be a pipe dream and may turn out bad for us and the economy; but with 2 wars with no end in sight for either one of them and both of them draining our funds so there is no money to use on people in the U.S.A. solely on the REPUBLICAN shoulders of Congress, they need to shut up about taxpayer burden and inflated debt!!!!!


  1. amen!
    although i'm still not sure about how i feel about this bill.
    but true, we've spent almost a trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) on the two wars!

  2. Good point my friend. The Republicans do not have any moral high ground here, but that doesn't mean that the high cost are not a good point, just that the Republicans are opportunistic and only care about opposing the Democrats.

  3. yes. enough about money and more about how we can fix the broken.
