Monday, March 22, 2010

Prayer Requests for Monday

Prayer requests for Monday


  1. Please continue to pray for my family as we deal with my uncle Dwight's death and all the responsibilities sorting out his estate. He had no wife or kids. He did not leave a will, so dad and my uncle will have to hire a probate attorney to try and get his estate completely settled. They have been going through his condo trying to organize his bills & papers. It may take the Coroner's office another 6 weeks to give a death certificate.

    My mom is already pushed out of shape because she felt she did most of the work during the 4.5 days they were in LA, while my aunt and uncle showed up for only part of 2 of those days. She also has a bad attitude about the memorial services that will be held at 2 different churches that he had played piano for, because she thinks they are "over glorifying his life". I don't know if this is her way of coping with his death, but she just keeps bringing up his faults/sins. He was an alcoholic, and it is possible he may have been drunk and fell on the steps leading up to his condo, resulting in the broken nose, and head injury which resulted in his death.

    My dad & uncle Stan are in the throes of getting things ready for the Mennonite Mens Chorus. This is both a blessing and a stress. On the one hand it is a nice distraction from dealing with everything related to Dwight, on the other hand it is always a busy and stressful time. Dwight was the pianist for the chorus, so they had to find someone else in time for the MCC sale concert the week after Easter, change the program, etc in addition to the usual responsibilities.

    Please pray that God gives comfort, and wisdom to my family, and that our family will be forgiving, merciful, and gracious to each other, that there will be no spirit of offense, bitterness, arguing, or condemnation, and that no unwholesome thing will come out of our mouths. Also pray for healing and closure in all of our lives.

    Also keep praying for mercy and favor over Alex at work. He said it was announced that there will be money allocated to each dept for raises starting in April, but since sales have been flat during this first quarter, he is worried those raises will come as a result of people being laid off.


  2. I am praying for you and your family, Pam. You hit many issues when dealing with death and family members so I will especially pray for comfort, peace, and wholesome talk instead of what comes more natural to us. I continue to pray for Alex and his job, I can understand that one. I was unemployed for 7 months before finding the job I am at now, which pays half of what I made before. And this job is only until September 30th unless more funding is given. I was also told by my boss that the group I was hired with, 5 of us, are doing majority of the work out of about 27 people so he "can't let us go right now" even if we do find a different job. It's a rock and a hard place situation. Do I put on my resume that a job I want cannot call and talk to my current supervisor knowing he wants us there.... I'm stuck right now waiting to be unemployed again in September. Wow, that's a good prayer request for me, sorry to take up your spot... :) I will keep praying for you, Pam

  3. If you were to find another job, would your current boss do something to make your job more secure? It's not really fair to you to be kept hanging if you (and the other 4) are doing most of the work. I don't think it hurts to put your resume out there with a note that you will be available in September. Your boss should understand you have a family to think about as well. Still, I realize it may not be a completely comfortable situation. When will you know about the funding? Is there an application process, deadline and announcement time for renewed funding? Just some thoughts from the peanut gallery. I will be praying for you.

  4. Thanks, Pam. I don't personally think the funding will be renewed so I've been throwing out my resume to other positions within the VA. I haven't ventured out of the government system yet just because I've been in the gov't system for 11 years now so it adds to retirement. I'm really hoping to church plant next year through the church I go to now and be a pastor; it's my calling and my desire and I've known that for awhile but the door hasn't opened for it to happen yet. Somedays are better than others in the faith category but I need to keep the faith and not give up hope.
